“My New Life” tells my story of a new start in life for me beginning soon after successfully recovering from schizophrenia, bicycling across Canada, and then continuing my mental health advocacy work in developing countries at www.MindAid.ca.

Yesterday I talked with an audio recording engineer in a nearby city about making a CD with emotion-inducing songs for brain health.

There are apparently one to two dozen emotions humans can feel, according to a quick internet search. There is a song in the James Bond movie “No Time to Die” that randomly caught my attention. It is called “Square Escape” by Hans Zimmer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_Ky-qScLYs).

Near the end of the song (at 1:56), the emotions it produces in me are of alertness, and suddenly realizing something, like James Bond often does in the films, where a critical missing piece to the puzzle suddenly dawns on him. Listening to it makes me feel like James Bond myself. It made me realize how much emotion the sounds of the movie can give you versus how much the images give you.

I find it amazing how much sounds and music can add to the experience of movies and TV shows. How audio engineers craft these emotion-inducing pieces impresses me.

Rumbling around in my head for months or maybe years now is creating a CD that would have a…



Matthew Dickson

Advocate for people with mental illness in developing countries at www.MindAid.ca. Bicycled across Canada twice, books, nature, fitness, learning, dancing!